Stakeholders: Roles and Goals - Part 2

Key Stakeholders: Roles and Goals
For the project to succeed, it is essential to identify the key stakeholders of the project, that will bring both expertise in designing and support for it's completion. This page provides an overview of the key stakeholders involved in planning,evaluating and building the new learning space project, within a university context. 


Project Sponsor:  Faculty of Education: as the current learning space is part of their facilities.

Ensure the new learning space project outcomes align with the faculty and university's learning goals and mission.

Provides Oversight of the project to ensure direction and allocation of resources.

Design Team: Educational Faculty Lecturers, Students etc.

Produce design solutions that meet project goals and vision, and space, technology, and service needs. Project has well defined pedagogical goals.

Research the facilities new needs to become a student-centered learning space. Design concepts from research and charrette exercises etc.Plan design with Universal Design Principles.

University Council: Leadership team from University Administration, Faculty and Students

Through oversight and management, enable project stakeholders to carry out their roles and responsibilities.

Projector Aggregator: Source of all key information and facilitator to all stakeholders,

Technical and Technology Team

Plan the technical requirements of the room from environmental to computing requirements. Deliver technology plans and specifications.

Provide the technical information and expertise that the design will require, and develop or seek outside technical providers for facility requirements.

Campus Architect

Ensure design fits with campus vision, plans, and standards.

Advise on and review designs for issues such as site / context, alignment with other plans and initiatives, and compliance with campus guidelines and standards. May be involved in designer selection and selection/approval of furniture.

Faculty and Student

Ensure design supports the diversity of user needs. Support development of a learning space that supports their needs.

Provide input from the point of view of building users and enable alignment of project with larger campus needs and goals. Provide input from personal perspectives.

External Groups: Political, Business and General Public

Ensure design meets political and community needs, as future funding etc based today on meeting measurable benefits.

Provide input from external parties that can provide different concepts, ideas and expert advice to the design and its processes. Builds community support for this and other university projects.

For Project Success Feedback and Communication Channels need to be effectively established, to ensure continue support of project. The communication channels can include:

  • Regular meetings with stakeholders to provide feedback.

  • Site visits to have tangible evidence of project development.

  •  Internet: emails and Facebook updates etc.

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