There is sufficient research to state without
equivocation that the building in which students spends a good deal of their
time learning does in fact influence how well they learn' (Earthman, 2004)
Universal Design Principles (UD): By designing with UD principles, this will ensure that the new learning space environment meets the needs and characteristics of diverse users (i.e both physically and intellectually different). The following details how and why each of the 7 UD principles was included in the design outcome.
Principle One: Equitable Use
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Lecturer / Teacher View |
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Learners-View |
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Culturally-balanced Learning Space |
Principle Two: Flexibility in Use
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Reflection & Relaxation Space |
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Private Study Area & Balcony |
new design allows both the traditional
teaching approach and learner-centered teaching and learning style. As
the teacher has
ultimate control over the digital pod-communities, therefore they can
direct or
focus the learners when communicating essential information or wanting
from the various communities or groups. But also, the mini-communities
groups can take control of their learning and focus on group tasks. The
individual can remain in the community or seek out quiet space within
the room
either in the relaxation areas in the back of the space or balcony. And,
also utilize the private rooms areas to discuss or reflect on their
learning. Therefore, the space is able to adapt to different learning
styles and user pace.
Principle Three: Simple and Intuitive Use
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Front to Back |
The furnishing and open layout included, provides self-explanations of their purpose.
The mini-pod community tables have amble space for learner’s materials to
cover, as well as, technology controls and other visual aids to indicate
purpose. The learner does not for example have to search for a power
socket for their laptop, unlike the existing space, which would disable the
fixed PC. The back area of the new space has a home design, to indicate a place
to relax and chat. There are also private areas for personal or group
discussions, to protect privacy from other groups or individuals. More
importantly, because of its hybrid design, there is no boundary or restriction
on intended users, and their range of literacy, language or area of subject
acquisition. Also, the digital technology facilitates great feedback, both from the group and the ability of the teacher to more easily move around the room, or use the digital connection to the pods to monitor progress and seek feedback.
Principle Four: Perceptible Information
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Clear Lines-of-Sight |
The new design with multi-angle digital screens ensures users can
see the material from whatever direction they face, unlike the existing space
that had poles blocking direct line-of-sight. Also, with new digital audio
system, learners can utilize headset to receive direct audio of key speakers
(or other learners). Also, integration of text-speech software ensures
visual-impaired learners, can receive enhanced representations of digital
displayed material. And that speech of the current speaker can be convert in captioned television type output for learners to easily read or transcript later.
Principle Five: Tolerance for Error

Principle Six: Low Physical Effort
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Free-Movement |
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Effort-and-Help Needed |
Also large automatic opening doors are used to enter the space which would accommodate a wide variety of users and centered, unlike the existing entry that requires assistance for some users, to widen the manual entry doorway.
Principle Seven: Size and Space for Approach and Use
The learning space provides various flexible work areas. Work desks (mini-pod tables), sofas and the balcony area, and area to relax and chat. Also, a private work-study area to allow private discussions or self-reflection thoughts. The new design is for a smaller number of groups (and individuals), so that the user does not trip over one another, and has time to quietly reflect their learning. Moreover, the new design allows clear line of sight, for any user standing or seating.
Earthman, G.I. (2004), Prioritization of 31 Criteria
for School Building Adequacy, Retrieved from
Graphic Tools Used
1. The 2D and 3D images of the learning space were constructed using the online software at
1. The 2D and 3D images of the learning space were constructed using the online software at
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