
Looking Down from SPACE - My SWAMP
The SWAMP I have selected to review for assignment 1 of LCN601, is the computer and teaching lab on level 3 in S-Block. I selected this lab because it is a major computer and teaching lab for students completing a teaching degree. Moreover, the range of potential users includes pre-service and post-service teachers of primary and secondary. Also, indigenous teachers learning new methods to engage native children in the field of mathematics.

My blog was designed using Google Blog. From the main page, at the top of the page are various tabs. Each tab represents another chapter of the assignment. The tabs are numbered in order left to right, top to bottom.

From my blog you will:

  • Discover the Entrance to the SWAMP and its significance  
  • Discover my first impressions of the SWAMP
  • Who and What is valued in my Learning Space
  • A Visual Pictures and Video of My Space and Connection to Heath's VAST concepts
  • Essay on a Major Issue and Relation to my Space Context.

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