Future-focused Learning Space - Part 2

Fast Forward: why design enables a ‘future-focused learning space’

The old space was a room filled with fixed-pcs. Yet, you will see from the new design less of these fixtures. The reason being that ‘Educating the Net Generation’, the learner has their own wireless devices, and many choose to learn from outside the physical learning space (Brown, 2003). Even in the new space, they can move with their devices to anywhere within the new learning space, and still maintain a connection to the learning and collaborated discussions. More importantly, the learner can learn at their discretion, and control the flow of work and conversation from the formal learning space. Therefore, the learner is responsible for their education, which at a higher educational institution should be the ultimate goal. They get to choose the environment where they want to learn and feel empowerment. They can leave the nest, but they will always have a safe place to return, when support is needed.


Brown, M. (2003). Learning Spaces: More than Meets the Eye. Educuse Quarterly. 1(3): pp.14-16.

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